LULU was born May 5, 2016 and joined our family 8 weeks later. She is 100% European and fully AKC registered. She is sired by Gargamel Moravia Bray and her Stonewall Bristol. Her dad is from the Czech Republic. She is so calm, patient, loving, loyal and shy. She has some really amazing coloring that we just love. Lulu had her first litter in January of 2019 with Leo. Lulu has had 3 litters totaling 15 puppies. Lulu is very laid back and is exactly what you think of when you think of a basset...lazy!
LOLA was born on February 27, 2019. She is 100% European and fully AKC registered. She is sired by Stonewall Longmire and her mom is Marscha Queen's Hermelin. Lola is stubborn and thinks she is the princess of all the dogs. She's sassy but spunky and playful and her coloring is very unique and distinctive! Lola’s puppies are very sought after and we are so proud of the 3 litters she has raised.
REMI was born on August 13, 2019. She is 100% European and fully AKC registered. She is sired by Terra D'Orfili Guther and her mom is Stonewall Polly. Remi is SWEET and happy all of the time. She loves everyone and loves all of the other dogs. We have been so happy with the looks and personalities of the puppies Remi has had so far.
RORY was born June 9, 2020. She is 97% European and fully AKC registered. She is the first puppy that we have kept. Lulu is her mom and Leo her dad. She is JUST like Lulu. So calm and so sweet and snuggly. She has lots of white on her and lots of ticking. Her puppies so far have turned out resembling her and are very happy and proud of how well they have turned out!
REESE was born December 23, 2021. She is 100% European and fully AKC registered. Lola and Max are her dad. She is Lola’s twin! We are excited to have puppies out of her soon!
Treece Farms Bassets
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